Natalia Kryvtsova. Professional Preferences and Psychological Features of Information Resources Researcher’s Personali-ty.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 26-39. Odessa.

Natalia Kryvtsova,
post-graduate student, Department of Philosophy and Bioethics,
Odesa National Medical University,
2, Valikhovsky lane, Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the individual typological features of Information Resources researcher’s personality. The study was aimed at examining the role of occupational preferences and interest in research in the development of professional identity and self-realization, as well as their impact on the type of implementation of various innovative features and professional development in the context of research work at the university. The study involved 187 students of Odessa National Medical University, for who the intensity of the research component in the structure of professional identity was the important condition for professional success. The correlation analysis of interrelationships between the indicators of formal and dynamic, social and imperative as well as personal levels in the structure of professional identity among respondents with various levels of differentiation of professional preferences, different attitude towards the research activity and significance of the research component in the structure of professional identity has been performed. The research results show that the maturity of the research component in the structure of professional identity becomes a significant factor in productive innovation activity, contributes to the choice of constructive forms of innovative potential implementation and is a prerequisite for personal and professional development of researchers. The further study is aimed at examining the criteria for assessing the level of professional competence of a researcher in terms of analyzing the problems of formation and self-realization of a researcher’s personality


a personality of a researcher, self-organization, professional competence, self-realization, the innovative potential of a personality.




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