Ruslana Bilous, Aliona Bielova. Psychological Features of Social Intelligence in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 11-15. Odessa.

Ruslana Bilous,
Candidate of Psychological sciences,
Docent of Department of Psychology, Pedagogical science and Philosophy,
Aliona Bielova,
4 th year student majoring in Psychology,
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



One of the topical issues in modern psychology is the problem of social intelligence. The article deals with the views of many foreign and domestic scientists concerning the definition of the concept of social intelligence, the basic components and structure of social intelligence, especially the development of this phenomenon in adolescence. The methods of studying the components of social intelligence are described. The comparison of characteristics of social intelligence of students and pupils majoring in different areas of disciplines has been performed. The study was carried out in November, 2015 and involved first- and second-year students of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University and pupils of vocational school №26 (34 students and 31 pupils). The following methods were used: test “Social Intelligence” by J. Guilford; method «Determining the level of perceptive and nonverbal competence» by T. Rosen; technique «indicator coping strategies» by D. Amirkhan; technique «lifestyle index» by R. Plutchik. As the result of the experiment it has been found out that the students majoring in humanities have a higher level of social intelligence compared to the students majoring in technical areas. Both the students and the pupils have a medium level of perceptive and nonverbal competence. Both groups of the surveyed prefer to solve problems on their own or to seek the social support, but tend to avoid difficulties. Therefore, in early adolescence the main protection mechanisms for pupils are projection and denial, and intellectualization is peculiar for students. The prospects for the further studies in this direction involve examining the peculiarities of social intelligence in Internet-addicted young people as well as developing the training programme aimed at the formation of senior students’ social intelligence.


modern society, innovation, communication, non-verbal representation, social adaptation, social intelligence..




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