Olena Medianova. Theoretical and Practical Analysis of Using the Cognitive Unit of the Method «Creating Force» by I. V. Yershova-Babenko for the Development of Cognitive Components of a Personality.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 117-126. Odessa.

Olena Medianova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Philosophy and Bioethics,
Odessa National Medical University,
13, Olhiivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with synergetic principles and psychosynergetic conceptual model used in the method “Creating Force” by I. Yershova-Babenko for the development of personality’s cognitive components. The results of these techniques’ testing carried out among medical students and pharmacists, in particular theoretical review and results of the implementation of the method “Statiotemporal Summary” for historical information processing are represented. Theoretical review of postnonclassical principles (V. Budanov) characterising system behaviour in the process of Becoming (at bifurcation points) has made it possible to substantiate the use of techniques aimed at stimulating preventive development of personality’s cognitive capabilities in training sessions when studying at pharmaceutical college. The effectiveness of the technique for statistically significant development of intellectual process “Classification” has been found; stimulation of the development of the process “Systematisation” has been confirmed. In addition, theoretical principles of educational process organisation against the background of its nonlinear nature have been reviewed; the use of the technique intended to the development of cognitive components of medical student’s personality and its impact on the state of a personality in general and its axiological sphere have been substantiated. According to the results of the formative experiment: 1) cognitive components of a personality mostly stimulated by this method have been identified (operational index – abstractly symbolic way of thinking, summarized index – the level of personal intelligence); 2) the impact of the development of cognitive sphere of medical students’ personalities on the state of their axiological sphere has been investigated; 3) the data on the impact of educational process organisation during the first year of studies at medical universities on the state of students’ cognitive sphere has been obtained. The current tendency towards decline of cognitive capabilities among students of colleges and higher educational institutions as well as the necessity for selecting techniques intended to their compensative development in the course of studying has been confirmed. Theoretical and practical analysis of using cognitive techniques of the method “Creating Force” developed by I. Yershova-Babenko has made it possible to determine the area of their optimum efficiency for the development of cognitive sphere of students’ personalities, the activation of self-organisational inner personal processes, the formation of professionally significant orientation of values of future medical workers’ personalities. 


cognitive sphere of a personality, synergetics, ways of thinking, cognitive operations, axiological sphere of a personality, psychosynergetics.




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