Olesia Posvistak. Behaviouristic Approach to Family: Specificity and Basic Concepts.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 111-117. Odessa.

Olesia Posvistak,
PhD (in historical sciences), associate professor,
Department of Philosophy and Political Science,
Khmelnytsky National University,
11, Instytutska Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



Today the phenomenon of family psychology still remain understudied in Ukraine. There are very few scientific works dealing wiht this issue. The need for creating such kinds of research is caused by the necessity of providing qualified psychological assistance to families. Besides, practice should be based on the solid theoretical foundation. In view of this, the study of theoretical basis of family psychology by means of the analysis of the concepts formulated by the Психологія – Психология – Psychology "Наука і освіта", №7, 2016 117 representatives of the main psychological schools is considered to be topical. The article is aimed at determining the specificity of behaviouristic approach to family psychology and distinguishing the basic concepts of this phenomenon formulated by behaviourists. The essential characteristics of the behaviouristic theory made it possible to conclude that a number of concepts formed the basis of family psychology as a scientific field. It has been determined that the concept of child-parent relationship, created by J. Watson, comes to the development of child’s behaviour and discipline technology with the educational purpose. B. Skinner created the concept of solving family problems by changing the behaviour of its members. It has been found that the study of problems of family conflict from the positions of behaviourism is considered to be an important contribution to the development of family psychology. J. Kelly, G. Thibaut, J. Homans developed a concept of the analysis of behaviour in dyads. They are used for explaining the choice of a marriage partner as well as analyzing and forecasting interpersonal interaction of spouses. The review of the behaviourist approach to the family made it possible to conclude that its specificity involves paying thorough attention to the behaviour of a married couple, parents and children


psychology of the family, behaviorism, behavior, dyad, “results matrix”.




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