Larysa Akimova, Raisa Havryliuk. Sins as the Expression of Amoral Component of Personal Integrity.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 106-111. Odessa.

Larysa Akimova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Raisa Havryliuk,
post-graduate student,
Department of General Psychology and Psychology of Personality Development,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Amoralism represents the inner plane of a deed and acts like a reason of maladaptive strategies of behavior or functional ones from the standpoint of achieving authority and success, but condemned by society. The amoralism descriptors are considered on the basis of the following models: “the necessity of evil”, the freedom of self-determination, “goodness with fists”, Jesuitism, amoralism deviation, amoralism as authority tool, amoralism as psychological defense, amoralism as non-adaptive activity, amoralism as opposition to the comprehension of morality. It acts like a category describing various human sins, the imperfect essence of human soul. The following sins have been described: disappointment, condemnation, envy, pride, vanity, deceitfulness, greed, hate, cruelty, indifference, sloth, etc. These drawbacks are considered as sins of the human soul. The sins of behaviour involve bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, gluttony, lust), deeds condemned by society or law (swindle, theft, vandalism, murder). The two-level structure of the phenomenon of amoralism has been suggested. At the moral and theoretical level it is considered as evil which is opposed to goodness. At the moral and practical level it is represented by sins and is opposed to freedom. Sins are divided into sins of lack and sins of superfluity. The first ones are characterized by disregard, depreciation of moral values; the second ones – by the idealization and the expression “the end justifies the means”. 


moral consciousness, moral values and principles, amoralism, evil, sins, amoralism descriptors, constructive and destructive amoralism.




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