Dmytro Voropaiev. Practical Means Aimed at Improving the Psychophysiological State of Adoles-cents.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 86-92. Odessa.

Dmytro Voropaiev,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Sumy State University,
Rymskoho-Korsakova Str. 2, Sumy, Ukraine



Adolescents’ organism is actively involved in the perception and analysis of information, especially in terms of the lack of time or information or information overload. Mental and physical capacity is considered to be crucial in adolescents’ activities, accompanied by some mental stress, which results in changes in the autonomic systems. The article is aimed at describing the means, methods and tools focused on the improvement and correction of psychophysiological states in case of abnormalities in order to contribute to the stable efficient activity in terms of studying at educational institutions. The technique of improving the adolescents’ psychophysiological state included the following measures: autogenic training, art therapy, hygienic morning exercises, finger exercises, nervous and muscle relaxing, respiratory gymnastics. The experimental study involved the organization of a special training aimed at improving adolescents’ psychophysiological state. At the final stage of the experiment the efficiency test has been performed. The control group involved 24 adolescents characterized by “low” and “partition” levels of psychophysiological state. After finishing the optimization measures program the surveyed were characterized by positive changes of the integral index of psychophysiological state as well as the improvement of memory properties and mental capacity. It has been found that the main age peculiarities of adolescents are the incompleteness of psychophysiological functions formation and the high respond to all inductive stimuli. These requires the closer attention to the process of improving the psychophysiological state and psychophysiological adaptation of adolescents studying at educational institutions. 


psychophysiological status, optimization, functional capabilities, teenagers, general experimental




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