Natalia Lishchyna. Correlation between Coping Strategies and Role Crisis.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 70-76. Odessa.

Natalia Lishchyna,
post-graduate student,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, FontanskaDoroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of personality’s role crisis, which is considered as a transition period in one’s life associated with the exchange of personality’s roles. It is always accompanied by the destruction of one’s adaptive, barrier function, the loss of usual behaviour patterns and inability to create the new ones. The following roles have been analyzed: “Child”, “Mother / Father”, “Wife / Spouse”, “Professional”, “Woman / Man”, “Adult”. The review of the scientific literature has revealed three levels of psychological regulation (cognitive, affective and behavioural) influencing both the success/failure of performing a role by an individual and role crisis formation. Special attention in the article is focused on the behavioural component. The study is aimed at examining the correlation between the coping strategies and role crisis. The following methods were used: the original diagnostic test questionnaire “Propensity to role crisis” by I. Brynza, N. Lishchyna and method “Coping scale” by E. Freidenberg, R. Lewis (adopted by T. Kriukova). The experiment involved 241 respondents aged from 18 to 56 years. The data obtained by means of the correlation analysis have made it possible to find the correlation ratio between all parameters studied. Among the women experiencing role crisis, the greatest number of correlations has been found with the following coping strategies: “belonging”, “self-reproach”, “the inability to abstract oneself”, “the inability to cope”. There were no correlations with the strategy “active leisure”. In case of men’s crisis, there were correlations with the following coping strategies: “the inability to cope”, “active leisure”. There were no correlations with the strategy “belief in miracles” and with the productive style. There is a great difference between the results of women’s and men’s variants. These facts confirm the importance of coping strategies in emotional experience caused by the role crisis.


personality, socio-psychological roles, life roles, coping strategies, role crisis.




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