Iryna Brynza, Iryna Horban. Quality of Life in the Time Context: Comparative Analysis.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 64-69. Odessa.

Iryna Brynza,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
Iryna Horban,
student, Department of Personnel Development, Specialty “Psychology”,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is aimed at revealing the life quality parameters from the perspective of their influence on a personality as stressors or recourse factors. The methods of observing, questioning, interviewing and testing have been used in the research. The study involved 60 students aged from 20 to 40 years, who were divided into two groups (the students who studied in 2013 and the ones who have been studying in 2016). The following parameters of life quality have been compared: demographic (job, the level of income, education, etc.), social (taking part in social life, the level of satisfaction with a job and the place in the society), psychological (emotional state, presence or absence of some psychological disorders, intelligence, the ability to achieve goals, the level of sexual activity, etc.), physical (working capacity, mobility, ability to deal with everyday routine, etc.). It has been found that the following life quality parameters are considered as stressors for the first group of students: social (the impossibility of having private space), psychological (crisis states, exaggerated sense of guilt, fear, responsibility, sensitivity, etc.). The following life quality parameters are considered as resource factors for them: physical (physical activity, business trips, relaxing, controlled drinking and smoking), psychological (tendency to optimism, self-respect, hierarchy of life values and needs); spiritual (meditation), demographic (career development). The second group of students considers the following parameters as stress factors: psychological (rage in everyday life, pessimistic view of life, etc.), physical (low physical activity, absence of business trips, etc.), social (interpersonal relations with people). These students consider the flowing life quality parameters as resource factors: demographic component (improvement of one’s financial state, career development. etc.), psychological (tendency to optimism, possibility to spend time on their own, etc.), physical (health improvement, drinking no alcohol, etc.). It has been found that life quality as a psychological category can act like an indicator of person’s psychological wealth or ill-being changing with time.


personality, life quality, stress factors, resource factors, indicators. 




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