Oleksandr Voronov. Psychological Aspects of Time Factor in the Process of Making Managerial Decisions in Public Administra-tion.

(2016) Science and education, 7, 51-58. Odessa.

Oleksandr Voronov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
doctoral student of State Management Department,
  National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine,
20, Ezhena Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The study shows that decisions made by a civil servant in public administration sphere are formed on the basis of stereotypes of his occupational status in the context of time perspective interpretation. The working effectiveness after all comes to time saving both for an individual and the society. This necessitates the formation of the relevant decisionmaking technologies. Therefore, the study of the psychological impact of time factor on managerial decision-making process by public authorities representatives is important today and represents an independent subject of psychological research. The article is aimed at considering the approaches to the introduction of psychological time category in the decision-making structure of public administration employees. While analyzing the impact of subjective time factor on managerial decision-making process by public officials the following methods were used: analytical method, procedure for measuring individual time unit by B. Tsukanov, G. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, J. Rotter Questionnaire. The terminology system and structure of time aspects affecting managerial decision-making in public sphere have been presented. The subjective time factor is considered to be a key player in such a structure. Peculiarities of making managerial decisions by public officials have been investigated with the help of B. Tsukanov technique depending on individual time unit which correlates with temperament characteristics (by G. Eysenck), and internality / externality (by J. Rotter). The most optimal characteristics for individuals who make decisions in public administration sphere have been revealed. The phlegmatic and sanguineous group representatives were considered to be the most efficient. They demonstrate the most optimal approach to making managerial decisions, however, they have different time characteristics. It has been proved that melancholic group representatives are able to make regulatory decisions within specified time limits under favorable conditions. The further study of the subjective time factor influence on decision-making process in public administration sphere is considered as the most promising one taking into account gender and age aspects. The practical application of advanced decision-making technologies taking into account the individual unit of a civil servant’s time has been suggested.


time factor, public administration, personal time unit, alternatives, the lack of time. 




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