Natalia Tolstova. Implementation of Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Future Music Teachers’ Readiness for Professional Self-Improvement in the Process of Teaching Singing.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 32. Odessa.

Natalia Tolstova,

lecturer, Department of Music and Vocal Theory,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper is focused on the essence of future music teachers’ readiness for professional self-improvement; pedagogical conditions facilitating its successful formation have been substantiated; the results of pedagogical experiment aimed at their implementation into voice-training process at the faculty of music and choreographic education of SUNPU named after K. D. Ushynsky have been characterized. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to substantiate the pedagogical conditions of forming students’ readiness for professional self-improvement in voice-training process and to analyze the results obtained. The author characterizes components of professional competence, in which vocal training is of great importance: educating and pedagogical that provides instilling school students’ perception of music; methodical and forming targeted at the development of school students’ ability for music, teaching singing and other forms of collective and creative artistic performance; educational and pedagogical that reflects teachers’ ability to enrich school students’ music consciousness and to raise the level of their music literacy. Also, the author provides substantiation of pedagogical conditions for forming students’ readiness for professional self-improvement in voice-training process, they are: the formation of future specialist’s value and motivational sphere; improvement of his/her subjective personality traits that are important for professional activity, independent self-improvement and enrichment of knowledge, abilities and skills throughout the whole career; the creation of comfortable psychological climate at vocal classes; improvement of organization and methodological, and resource support necessary for forming students’ ability for selfeducation, self-training and self-development in the process of vocal and learning activity. The effectiveness of the above mentioned pedagogical conditions has been proven by test data and results of its processing using mathematical statistics. The issues of forming reflexive and estimative component of self-guided vocal and learning activity, improvement of methods of implementing intersubject communications (targeted at forming integrated methods of selfguided work of future music teachers in terms of self-study, self-development and self-education into the educational process) should be studied further.


music teacher, voice-training, readiness for professional self-improvement, pedagogical conditions.




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