Vasyl Karychkovskyi. Territorial and Economic Zoning From a Perspective of Agricultural Professional Educa-tion.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 22. Odessa.

Vasyl Karychkovskyi,
(PhD) Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Business Management, Uman National University of Horticulture,
1, Instytutska Str., Uman, Ukraine 



Territorial and economic zoning is one of important factors of the government of the state. The author analyses the territorial and economic regions of Ukraine represented by nine regions in the context of training future agrarians, inparticular from a perspective of providing these regions with higher agrarian educational institutions; the proportion of students of higher agrarian educational institutions within the whole population as well as human resourcing of agricultural enterprises with graduates. Based on the analysis performed, the author has made the following conclusions:

- under conditions of market economy in Ukraine agricultural sector is one of top-priority line of the national business;

- the analysis of territorial and economic regions of Ukraine in terms of training specialists for agricultural industry is relevant;
- the distribution of higher agrarian educational institutions in the above mentioned regions is unequal;
- the level of staff support of agricultural enterprises of cooperative manufacturing arrangement by graduates of agrarian universities is about 5.96-11.57 people per enterprise.
Proceeding from the research, we can recommend activation of training future specialists-agrarians at higher educational institutions of Black Sea, Dnieper and Central economic regions. They are the following: Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University, Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Odessa State Agrarian University, State Higher Educational Institution “Kherson State Agrarian University”, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Uman National University of Horticulture and Kyrovograd National Technical University.


zoning, territorial and economic region, agrarian university, future specialist, human resourcing, agricultural enterprise, percentage value.




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