Svitlana Karychkovska. Features of Foreign Language Learning as a System Component of Future Ecologists Training.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 17-22. Odessa.

Svitlana Karychkovska,

(PhD) Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Uman National University of Horticulture,
1, Instytutska Str., Uman, Ukraine 



The article deals with the experimental studying of psychological peculiarities of senior school students’ axiological attitudes in ethnocultural environment. The experiment involved 30 students of senior grades. Having analyzed the results of the method “Types of ethical identity” it has been revealed that the dominant type (28%) is a positive one – the combination of positive attitude towards one’s nation and towards other nationalities. Ethnic indifference, which means ethnical identity “diffusion”, expressed in the uncertain ethnic attitude, is manifested in 21,3% of students. Ethnic fanaticism, which means being ready to do anything for the sake of ethic interests is expressed in 17% of the surveyed. 13,5% of the respondents are characterized by the ethnic egoism – they feel anxious and irritated when communicating with the representatives of other ethnic groups; ethnic isolation (national supremacy) is expressed in 11,7% of students. 7,5% of the surveyed have manifested marks of ethnic negativism, which means ignoring one's own national belonging. According to the research results obtained with the help of the method “Values” (by M. Rokych) the dominant terminal values in the students’ life are health, pleasure, the main groups of values are concrete (31,2%) and abstract (31,5%). The main instrumental values are politeness, cheerfulness, fairness, carefulness, independency, etc. The main groups of values are communication values (15,5%), business (16,6%) and values of self-esteem (17,7%). This, the research results have shown that in order to form axiological attitudes in senior school students one should gradually widen and deepen their beliefs about values in different areas of life. 


foreign language, future environmentalist, teaching, consistency, components, professionally-oriented education, method.




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