Roman Balandiuk. Experimental Methods of Teaching Economic Component in the Content of Ukrainian History to 8-9-Form Pu-pils of Comprehensive Schools.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 11-16. Odessa.

Roman Balandiuk,
post-graduate student, Institute of Pedagogy,

National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-D, Artema Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the results of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to the pupils of 8-9th forms. Recent events in Ukraine demonstrate the crisis in the educational system in general and in the methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history in particular. Economic component is one of the key elements in historical education, which forms certain knowledge, skills, experience and values necessary for young generation in their lives. Practical teachers convince that it is very hard to teach pupils to understand and correctly use economic component in future if we make the most out of traditional methods. Results of questioning among pupils of 8-9th forms show the average level of their achievements. This problem determines the need for improving the methods of teaching economic component. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to present the results of testing experimental methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to pupils of 8-9th forms of comprehensive schools. At the first stage, scholarly literature was analyzed; experimental research was carried out which made it possible to evaluate teaching economic component to pupils. After that, original methods of teaching economic component were developed. We chose control classes, in which economic component was taught using traditional methods, and experimental classes for teaching economic component using author’s original methods. It was statistically confirmed that the result in classes, where traditional methods were used, did not change significantly. As for the classes, where author’s methods were used, achievement growth was observed. In conclusion, it can be stated that the developed author’s methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to pupils of 8-9th forms are effective.


economic component, history of Ukraine, teaching methods, testing




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