Nataliia Blahun. Socialization of Pupil’s Personality by Means of Studying Ukrainian Literature.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 5-11. Odessa.

Nataliia Blahun,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



The article describes the approaches to the formation of personality socialization by means of studying Ukrainian literature. It is known that literature is the most important method of perceiving changes of the world. The ways of creating artistic images and characters, situations and social conflicts represented by outstanding writers have powerful educational potential. Psycho-pedagogical science has proven that personality is being developed from 12 to 17 years, because this is the very period when evolution of self-consciousness as well as moral and spiritual qualities of secondary school-age children is reaching its highest level. It should be noted that in the development of personality socialization the spiritual world of an individual is of prime importance. For example, in the rational sphere we see the education of national consciousness. Regarding the sensual sphere, the foreground is the sense of duty, patriotism, dignity, selfesteem, pride and honour. Volitional aspect provides observance of discipline, self-organization and determination of a man as an intelligent being. Family education takes an important place in the formation of socialization, because considerable attention is paid in the presented topics to the study of spiritual and moral, family and domestic, family and aesthetic educational traditions reflected in the works of Ukrainian authors. Pupils can characterize characters of literary works with the motivation for their actions and behaviour in different circumstances of life; to give reasons for their personal judgments about the reads on a background of understanding the importance of family relations; to express personal attitude to the literary heroes. A dominating aspect in the above mentioned process is certainly the national consciousness. Its basis, on the one hand, is knowledge about the people as a political, economic, psychological, and spiritual (traditions, customs, rituals, history) community; and on the other hand, it is the information about its individual representatives who are the embodiment of the most typical features of the character and mentality of his/her countrymen, express and defend the interests of Ukrainians, on the basis of which one can have the idea about the typical features and parameters of the gene pool, as well as character of the nation and society as a whole. After considering the themes for teaching Ukrainian literature to pupils of secondary schools, we can conclude that national and panhuman factors represented in literary works unconditionally facilitate the development of personality socialization, forming a spiritually rich individual, citizen-patriot, who possesses the highest ethical and moral virtues, respects the past, cares about the future of his/her nation, Ukraine. 


socialization, fiction, programme material, self-realization, national consciousness.




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