Svitlana Yermakova. Kaizen: Peculiarities of Forming Innovation-Oriented Professional Environment of a Future Special-ist

(2016) Science and education, 6, 141-147. Odessa.

Svitlana Yermakova,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Psychologists and Law,
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
4, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is caused by the necessity to examine the characteristics of transformational change in society regarding professional training of future specialists at higher technical educational institutions; the strategies for the implementation of educational audit in the process of professional training of future specialists as one of the aspects of Kaizen have been specified. The features of studying theoretical and methodological problems of applying the fundamentals of lean production at higher educational institutions depending on peculiarities of their activities and specificity of their tasks have been emphasized. The aim of the article is to substantiate the system of higher technical education based on the principles of thrift. The task is to study and substantiate the elements of the system of higher technical education development based on the principles of lean manufacturing; to define possible application of lean production means in higher education. Moreover, the essence of Kaizen conception has been specified; the peculiarities of forming innovation-oriented professional environment based on sustainable use of resources of a higher technical educational institution due to implementation of experimental monitoring technology for training future specialists based on lean production have been considered. Pedagogical reasonability of advanced training of future specialists at higher technical educational institution based on the idea of lean manufacturing has been proven 


higher technical educational institution, training, Kaizen philosophy, educational audit, lean manufacturing.




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