Taras Pukhalskyi. Personal Component of Music Teacher’s Professional Competence

(2016) Science and education, 6, 128-134. Odessa.

Taras Pukhalskyi,
assistant lecturer, Department of Music Arts,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University,
61, Ohienko Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine 



The paper deals with the analysis of personal component of music teachers’ professional competence; the place and the role of personal characteristics in teacher’s professional background are described. Personal component of music teacher’s professional competence is defined as a set of individually psychological features, personal capabilities and personal qualities. Individually psychological features of a music teacher are represented as a set of professionally significant psycho-physiological (perception, thinking, memory, imagination, fantasy, emotions, etc.), anatomical and physiological (health, nervous system tolerance, resilience to stress, the ability for mobilization and relaxation, anatomical organization of a body, features of the functioning of physiological systems of hearing and respiratory organs, neuromuscular system, facial expression, etc.) and psychological characteristics (features of temperament and temper). The author has divided professionally significant personal capabilities of a music teacher into general and specific ones. General capabilities are manifested in all kinds of human activity (learning capability, general mental capabilities, capacity for work, etc.) and have general professional significance. Specific capabilities of a music teacher include ability for music (ear for music, musical sense, musical memory, sense of rhythm, musical thinking, ability for music emotional experiencing), pedagogical capabilities (gnostical, practical, communicative, perceptive, authoritative, expressive, didactic, academic, organizational, etc.) and creativity (pedagogical, artistic and research capabilities). The author has also described a set of personal qualities necessary for music teacher’s work (general and specific ones) as well as interrelation between personal component in the structure of music teacher’s professional competence and other structural components (cognitive, pragmatic and acmeological). Results of the study have proven the critical role of personal characteristics in the process of forming music teachers’ professional competence, in its effectiveness and in determining the level of professional aptitude. 


personal characteristics, personal qualities, pedagogical capabilities, ability for music, creativity, music teacher.




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