Liu Jia. Pedagogical Conditions of Preparing Master’s Students Majoring in Singing for Innovative Professional Activi-ties

(2016) Science and education, 6, 122-128. Odessa.

Liu Jia,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The paper deals with the issues of preparing Master’s students – future singers and voice teachers – for mastering innovative technologies in their professional activities. The relevance of the paper is determined by the fact that the above mentioned issues are currently understudied. Consequently, the author has considered scholarly literature, in which the essence and specificity of innovative technologies are characterized, as well as the essence of preparing students for innovative technologies implementation. The preparation includes the following components: the complex of psycho-pedagogical orientations determining certain forms and methods of teaching; organizational and tutorial tools of the teaching process; the complex of systemic interrelated forms and methods of pedagogical impact applied according to a certain algorithm; monitoring and correction of the obtained results, which facilitate achieving the anticipated result of training future specialists. The process of implementing innovative technologies is associated with the responsiveness of acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills in vocal art; individual choosing and interpretation of works; forming the capacity for self-analysis and self-evaluation, self-improvement in performing and teaching activities. The pedagogical conditions that facilitate students’ mastering innovative technologies and their ability to apply them effectively in singer’s performing and teaching activities have been substantiated. The first pedagogical condition involves providing comfortable psychological climate and style of pedagogical communication in the teaching process, i.e. factors that influence students’ self-confidence, their ability to experiment, and readiness for overcoming failures. The second pedagogical condition is considered to be the level of development of students’ personal qualities (emotional and volitional, intellectual qualities; determination; performance capabilities; moral traits like responsibility for vocal development of their pupils), which determine the efficiency of their preparation for innovative creative activity. The third pedagogical condition involves organization of gradual preparation of students-singers for professional innovative creativity in performing, methodical and theoretical, pedagogical and practical forms of teaching activities. It has been concluded that after implementing the above mentioned pedagogical conditions it is possible to achieve higher level of students’ competence in innovative technologies; there appear more opportunities for them to improve their learning, performing and future pedagogical activities. 


vocal training, innovative technologies, pedagogical conditions, vocal performance, voice teacher.




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