Oksana Hrydzhuk Specifics of Components of Language and Communicative Competence of Students Majoring in Forest-ry

(2016) Science and education, 6, 116-122. Odessa.

Oksana Hrydzhuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, National Forestry University of Ukraine,
103, Gen. Chuprynky Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The issue of determining the components of the language and communicative competence of students – future professionals of forestry is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for forming the proper level of professionally oriented language and communicative abilities and skills in students majoring in forestry. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the components needed to build an effective model of the formation of students’ language and communicative competence. The following main components of it are named and described: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. The orthoepic, orthographic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic competencies were distinguished within the linguistic component. Value-semantic and socio-cultural competencies are the content of the sociolinguistic component. The pragmatic component consists of terminological, speech text, culture and language, lexicographic competencies. The speech text component, in its turn, is divided into text-interpreting and text-creating ones. The required level of the professional language and communicative competence of а student majoring in forestry can be formed under the condition of the development of his/her language and communicative professionally oriented skills. The basic skills are the following: the choice of the language means depending on the conditions of communication in different styles and genres; reasonable use of language means (including terms) according to the norms of modern Ukrainian standard language; building texts of different genres of scientific and educational substyle belonging to the style of scientific prose; effective communication when performing professional activities. The parallel development of a student’s environmental and professional competences we consider as another condition for the formation of the proper level of the language and communicative competence of a student – future professional of forestry industry. The formation of language and communicative competence will facilitate the increase of the level of general competencies of students majoring in forestry, in particular: the ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing; the ability to study and master modern profession-related knowledge; the ability for search, processing and analysis of the information from different sources. 


competence, competency, linguistic component, sociolinguistic component, pragmatic component.




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