Olena Semenova. Integrative Role of Composition in Professional Training of Art Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 6, 111-115. Odessa.

Olena Semenova,
lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, post-graduate student,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
28, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine 



The efficiency of educational process of future art teachers’ professional training depends on the components of pedagogical system. They include content, forms, methods and means that are used to form artistic-pedagogical and artisticcreative competence which is determinant in art teachers training. The effective functioning of pedagogical system is provided by a block of profession-related subjects which includes drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic art, etc. In terms of their content, these subjects should have corresponding cross-curriculum connections. Their unity can be achieved by means of composition, which integrates common and specific features of the formation of the work of art. The purpose of the article is to define integrative basis of composition in professional training of future art teachers. Composition as a subject is taught in all universities for art. The course of composition is traditionally divided into theoretical and practical sections in professional training of future teachers of art. The first one covers the theory of composition; the second one covers the system of exercises which give students an opportunity to learn universal laws, rules, techniques and means of formal composition that is the structure of non-figurative images. We have discovered that the principles of unity, rhythm, proportion, symmetry and composition center; universal means of expression (statics and dynamics, contrast, shade, vertical and horizontal) and specific means of expression (dot, lines, stroke, shape, color, light, texture, background and aspect angle) are studied not only at composition lessons but also in all profession-related subjects; they are integrative basis of composition in training future art teachers, consequently, there is an intrasubject integration where general artistic and special disciplines are combined (drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic art). 


composition, integration, art teacher.




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