Oksana Sakaliuk. Model of Forming Education Managers’ Readiness for Professional Activities under Current Conditions

(2016) Science and education, 6, 107-111. Odessa.

Oksana Sakaliuk,
(PhD) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Educational Institution Management and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Straportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The paper presents a contemporary model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities under current conditions; its basic components are characterized, they are pedagogical conditions, training targets, content, methods and forms of teaching process organization at every stage. The above mentioned model has been developed with the aim of specification and demonstration of the process of forming education managers’ readiness for work in multicultural educational environment. Pedagogical conditions for forming education managers’ readiness for work in multicultural educational environment are considered to be the following: providing the development of professionally significant qualities of education managers aimed at effective work performance in multicultural educational environment; orientation at advanced formation of professional and administrative abilities and skills based on cross-cultural management; the use of interactive teaching methods in the process of organization of partnership between educational process participants. The formation of education managers’ readiness for professional activities in multicultural educational environment involved implementation of the pilot model in three stages by means of implementing all the pedagogical conditions at every stage as well as inclusion of the optional course “Fundamentals of education managers’ professional activities in multicultural educational environment” into the process of training education managers. The purpose of the first stage (motivational and reflexive) was the formation of education managers’ positive emotional attitude towards professional activities in multicultural educational environment and multicultural integration in the sphere of education. The second stage (information and cognitive) was targeted at systematization of knowledge on the specific character of the functioning of multicultural educational environment and mechanisms of its improvement. The third stage (activity and projecting) involved the formation of education managers’ abilities and skills of efficient performance based on cross-cultural management. It has been concluded that the proposed model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities in multicultural educational environment is effective and should be implemented in observance of all its components.  


education managers, pedagogical conditions, education managers’ readiness for professional activities, the model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities, multicultural educational environment.




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