Аnna Dobrovolska. Model of Methodical System of the Formation of the IT Competence of Future Doctors and Pharmacists in the Process of Teaching Scientific Disciplines

(2016) Science and education, 6, 86-95. Odessa.

Аnna Dobrovolska,
PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Medical Informatics, Medical and Biological Physics,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
2, Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 



The concept of information technology competence (IT competence) of future doctors and pharmacists has been formulated in the article. The criteria and indices of its maturity have been characterized within the limits of the following components: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, technological, operational, communication-oriented, personevaluative, reflexive, axiological, emotional and volitional. The model of the methodical system of the formation of the IT competence in students in the process of teaching scientific disciplines to them, which consists of 5 units, has been developed. It has been also considered that the preconditions for the formation of the IT competence in future specialists within the limits of this methodical system are the modern requirements on informatization of higher medical and pharmaceutical education under the conditions of society informatization, social demand for the preparation of doctors and pharmacists who have the IT competence, and also contradiction between the declared use of the IT competence in the process of teaching and its application in the professional activity. The strategically-normative unit of the developed model of the methodical system takes into account the industry standards of higher education, curricula of preparation of doctors and pharmacists, typical teaching programmes of scientific disciplines. The target unit of this model involves the formation of the IT competence of future doctors and pharmacists according to the results of teaching scientific disciplines. The theoretical and methodological unit of the model considers pedagogical conditions, approaches and principles of the formation of the IT competence of future specialists. The technological unit is focused on the constituents, components and stages of the formation of the above mentioned competence. The evaluative unit describes the criteria of effectiveness and the levels of the formedness of the IT competence, and also involves the criteria of its evaluation and the means of control. 


ІТ competence, criterion, index, methodical system, model, components, structure, principles, features, regularities.




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