Vitalii Shovkun Formation of Professional Competence of Future Computer Science Teachers in Quasiprofessional Activi-ties

(2016) Science and education, 6, 76-82. Odessa.

Vitalii Shovkun,
teacher, Kherson Lyceum of Physics and Technology
at Kherson National Technical University and
Dnepropetrovsk National University, Kherson City Council,
39, Zalaegerseg Str., Kherson, Ukraine



Global process of society informatisation causes demand for training teachers of new generation, namely the formation of a fundamentally new culture of teacher’s work and the preparation of competent teachers, which is one of the most important aspects of the concept of education modernization in Ukraine. A competent teacher should provide conditions for generating innovative technologies, innovative ideas, around which one can create a dynamic system of interrelations with the environment, thereby deepening knowledge, broadening and developing the intellectual capacities of a child, forming his/her social experience. Therefore, the task of a pedagogical university is to prepare competent teachers who are able to work in a new environment, apply innovative technologies implemented in teaching practice, influence positively and change the educational system. Quasiprofessional acitivites (simulation of the conditions of pedagogical work, modelling situations in which a future teacher will practice the skills of successful performance of teacher’s educational functions based on the acquired knowledge and experience) facilitates implementation of the abovementioned task as long as students become acquainted with the peculiarities of work at school. The purpose of this article is to analyze the views on the content, structure and formation of professional competence of future computer science teachers in the quasiprofessional activities. The approaches to the definition of professional competence have been analysed, the peculiarities of quasiprofessional activities as innovative technologies of training students at pedagogical higher school have been considered. The author has concluded that quasiprofessional activities contribute to better mastering of professional competencies, the formation of future computer science teachers’ professional pedagogical orientation, and hence professional pedagogical motivation, professional and educational needs, interest in future professional activity.  


competency, professional competence, professional competence of computer science teachers, quasiprofessional activities..




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