Konstiantyn Buhaievskyi. Anatomical and Morphological Features of Pelvis in the Somatotype Classification by J. Tanner of the Female Students of Special Medical Group.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 56. Odessa.

Konstiantyn Buhaievskyi,

PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,

Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Health,
Classical Private University,
70-b, Zhukovsky Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the study aimed at identifying the anatomical and morphological features of the structure and shape of pelvis in first year female students of special medical group of the medical University. The relevance of this research is explained by the increasing of a number of girls and young women with various disorders of the structure and function of reproductive organs, caused by the negative influence of various exogenous and endogenous factors. This age is the period of the formation of their body, endocrine, reproductive and skeletal systems, and in particular the pelvis. The examination of individual anatomical and morphological changes of pelvis bone formation is a significant contribution to the prevention of reproductive losses and the means for obstetric injuries prevention. The study is aimed at determining the characteristics of size, structure and current changes of pelvis among the above mentioned group of girls, as well as the number of anthropometric and morphological index values in the sex somatotypes according to the classification by J. Tanner. There have been identified the following disorders and pathological changes: in particular, 58,46% of girls do not correspond to the criteria of the gynecoid somatotype according to the results of the survey. The analysis of the obtained values of pelvis index has shown that they are below the acceptable normative parameters, especially for students with gynecomorphoid somatotype and correspond to the values of a narrow pelvis. There have been determined the indices of anatomically narrow pelvis in all three groups of somatotypes (74,62%), mainly with the indices of the I (36,92%) and II (20,77%) degrees of narrowing. Among the variants of pathological forms of pelvis the dominant ones are the transverse narrow pelvis – 62,31% and "erased" form of pelvis – 60,77%. The process of pelvis bone maturity of 98,15% female students is completed and meets their age criteria. Data obtained by means of anthropometry, pelvimetry and determination of special values of morphological indices indicating the available anatomical, morphological and functional changes in the pelvic bone in the form of increasing the proportion of narrow pelves with I-III degrees of narrowing.


somatotype, pelvis, anthropometry, pellet, morphological indices, students.




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