Veselska A. L. Psychological model of understanding a musical composition: structure and components.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 66-72. Odessa.

Alla Veselska,
аssistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is aimed at analysing the structure and content of the general model of musical compositions understanding. The increasing amount of musical information perceived by people in everyday life determines the relevance of researching the processes of perception and understanding of music. Music is reproduced in daily life by the media, it is used as the background for the presentation of information, for example, in advertising; it is a means of communication for youth subcultures. The understanding of a musical composition is a complex process, where the emotional and intellectual aspects are combined along with the content of musical material and personality traits. This unity complicates the understanding and necessitates structuring and refining the components of a common model of understanding, which determines the specificity and efficiency of art perception. In general, the issue of perception and understanding of a musical composition is revealed in studies of various fields of psychology: neuroscience, music psychology, psychology of art etc. The existing models of music perception are based on comparable structure of perceptual act that reflects multidimensionality and multilevel character of a music composition. Listening is considered both as auditory analysis of a composition, where the unit is a sound object, and as a process of schematisation and simplification of the information contained in a musical composition. The model of music understanding, including cognitive, operational and regulatory-personal components, has been offered. The cognitive component includes knowledge accumulated by a subject (awareness in the field of music): the nature and functions of music art; contents of means of musical expression that mediates the process of understanding (form, genre); history of the emergence of a musical composition; personality traits of a composer; previous experience: auditory and life experience; subjective systems of meanings (stereotypes, attitudes): superficial stereotype perception; focusing on aesthetic pleasure from a musical composition. The operational component of the structure of music understanding includes those subject properties that make it possible to successfully perform the procedure of understanding a musical composition. The regulatory and personal component includes properties of thinking: flexibility, the prevalence of verbal or figurative way of information processing; individuallytypological features; the level of general and emotional intelligence.


music understanding, understanding structure, cognitive, operational and regulatory-personal understanding.



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