Snihur L. A., Sarafanyuk E. I., Luhanin V. V., Vorona V. V. Psychological Bases of Implementing a Task of Higher Military Educational Institutions for Forming Future Officers as Leaders.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 53-60. Odessa.

Liudmyla Snihur,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Odessa military academy,
Eduard Sarafaniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor, Odessa military academy,
Volodymyr Luhanin,
lecturer, Odessa military academy, st. Fontanskaya road,
10, Odessa, Ukraine,
Valentin Vorona,
lecturer, National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhsona Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of studying the opportunities for promoting the development of cadets as leaders at higher military educational institutions. The following methods were used: analysis of teaching experience in the field of military leadership of cadets studying at higher military educational institutions of western style; the technique of examining communicative and organisational skills for identifying their manifestation in students using the questionnaire by B. Fedorishin, test by J. Kelly, sample surveys and expert assessment, psychological drawing “Me”, “I in a Family”, “Other People and I”. The review of the scientific literature has shown that the process of the development and formation of a leader consists of three components: informational component (acquiring knowledge about leadership qualities in the ideal of a man, an officer and a citizen), formational component (the analysis and selfanalysis of one’s ascension) and experience component. The promotion of leadership qualities is possible due to the organisation of a concrete style of cadet’s life, the joint efforts of the teaching staff with the active involvement of senior cadets into discussion of current experiences in a specially formed microgroup aimed at the active formation of officers’ leadership. The analysis and self-examination of leadership qualities development with the help of the military community, knowledge about leadership and competent implementation of the obtained knowledge into practice are very important aspects in the process of the formation of cadets as leaders. Leadership is manifested in the character of an individual. Prudence, justice and courage as well as the ability to set oneself a mission are the basic qualities of a leader.


formation, person, cadet, leader, protector, virtue.



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