Klymchuk V. О. Posttraumatic Growth and how to Facilitate it in Psychotherapy.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 46-52. Odessa.

Vitalii Klymchuk,
Doctor of Psychology, senior lecturer, executive director of the
Institute of Mental Health, Ukrainian Catholic University,
17, Ilariona Sventsitskoho Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is determined by the current situation in Ukraine and the special attention of experts to the field of mental health and posttraumatic stress disorders. Special focus on the disorder, together with the achievement of the important goal (to find the ways of treating it) can lead to stigmatisation and discrimination of people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD). To avoid this, the other phenomenon – the posttraumatic growth (PTG) should be put in focus. The current understanding of the PTG as a situation in which personal development, at least in some areas, has exceeded its previous level, the one a person had had before the crisis. The following tools for measuring the posttraumatic growth are used: The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire, The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, The Stress-Related Growth Scale, The Thriving Scale, The Perceived Benefit Scales. Besides, the attention is paid to its relations with socio-demographic characteristics, personality changes, cognitive processes, the level of PTSD, the impact of posttraumatic growth on overcoming posttraumatic stress. The model of psychotherapeutic intervention facilitating posttraumatic growth and affecting the intensity of the treatment of PTSD (model by L. Calhoun, R. Tedeschi and THRIVE-model by S. Joseph) has been described. It includes the following components: taking stock (making sure a client is safe and helping him/her to overcome PTSD, for example, by means of exposure techniques); harvesting hope (to learn to have plans for the future, for example, by means of inspiring stories of people, who have experienced the same situations); re-authoring (rewriting one’s experience by means of creating stories, expressive writing technique); identifying change (observing one’s PTG with the help of the questioning or surveys); valuing change (development of confidence in new priorities); expressing change in action (searching for ways of transferring PTG in real world, for example, by means of writing week schedules).


posttraumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic growth, stress, trauma, psychotherapy.



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