(2016) Science and education, 5, 238-246. Odessa.

Victoria Senkevych,
practical psychologist,
Zhytomyr Regional Center of Prevention and Control of AIDS,
28, Shchorsa Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article presents the empirical comparison of age-related differences in the response to the danger regarding HIV infection. The psychological response is considered as a coping mechanism and emotional reaction. The psychological response to the risk of HIV infection is understood as cognitive-affective-conative process, during which empathy and control of the risk of HIV infection are joined into a single strategy. Empathy is seen as a separate component of the response. The control of the risk of HIV infection includes the emotional, cognitive and behavioural components, which are represented by the following structural elements: emotional maturity, concerned with its own security, coping strategies and coping mechanisms, the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, the real risk assessment of infection, subjective control over the situation of infecting, the risk factor of sexual experience and dangerous behaviour. The study involved 145 respondents. The age differentiation of empathic relationship is proved. The significant differences in the age groups of 18-19-year-old and 25-55-year-old students have been found. The age differentiation of the empathy attitudes has been proved. The age group of 25-55-year-old respondents has shown higher levels of empathy attitudes towards the surrounding people and people living with HIV. They demonstrate the highest indices of emotional maturity and a higher level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. All age groups have a coping mechanism of adaptation in the boundary condition. But, 18-19-year-old respondents’ intensity of coping strategies “positive reappraisal” and “escape – avoidance” is significantly higher. With age, the average values of the integral index of “experience of dangerous behaviour” are increasing, particularly the coefficients of sexual risk of HIV infection, and the number of unprotected sexual relations and the experience of severe alcohol intoxication.


psychological response, emotional response, empathy, components of the response to the risk of HIV infection, adolescence.




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