(2016) Science and education, 5, 228-232. Odessa.

Nataliya Muzhanova,
post-graduate student, Department of Social and Practical Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of age peculiarities of the sense sphere of men and women belonging to informal subcultures. In psychology, the concept of sense is closely associated with the ideas about an individual, his/her personality, life and activities. There is no concrete and final determination of this phenomenon yet. The main aspect of the research is the sense sphere of a personality, as it affects the peculiarities of the formation and development of a personality in different age periods. Belonging to a subculture is associated with the sense-forming motives, that is why the study of this issue is extremely relevant and important. The study involved 160 representatives of the informal subcultures. There were 4 groups of the respondents: middle-aged men (40 persons), male-adolescents (40 persons), middle-aged women (40 persons) and female-adolescents (40 persons). The test of sense-value orientations was used in order to assess the “source” of the life sense of the respondents. The peculiarity of the empirical study was the search for the differences between the groups of the respondents concerning sense-value orientations. The obtained results have shown the following differences in the groups of the surveyed: male-adolescents and middle-aged women demonstrate high indices of life meaningfulness, whereas female-adolescents and middle-aged men have low indices. The presence of the significant differences in life senses between the groups of the respondents leads to the conclusion about the differences in their sense sphere. Considering the fact that the factors of direct impact on the differences in the sense sphere of the representatives of informal subcultures require deeper studying, it is necessary to implement the additional control group in the research and compare their results.


sense, semantic sphere, the sense of life orientation, values, informal subculture.




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