Kulakovskyi Т. Y., Kulakovska O. G. Entrepreneurial Intentions as a Precondition for Entrepreneurial Activity.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 194-200. Odessa.

Taras Kulakovskyi,
PhD (Candidatу of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Olha Kulakovska,
аssistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is aimed at defining the role of intentions in the creation of entrepreneurial structures and entrepreneurial activity as well as the development of the method of forming and implementing entrepreneurial intentions. According to the results of the questioning, among universities graduates (the city of Zhytomyr) only 17.3% have the desire to do business, 61.6% have the desire to be hired (among these people 40.4% want to find a job regardless of their profession, and only 21.2% are going to find a job according to their degree field. Besides, the research carried out among businessmen's children (aged from 9 to 11 – this age is considered as the period when the achievement motivation is being formed) has shown that their achievement motivation is higher compared to their peers, whose parents are not involved in business activities. The same results have been obtained in the sample of the university graduates. Entrepreneurial intention is the desire to create an entrepreneurial structure with the aim to have an independent job, have good income, manifest one’s creativity, etc. The intention cannot exist without the conscious desire. The realisation of the real desire activates the dynamic state of intension which causes the intention. The intention is considered as a feeling of readiness for the action, in this case – for entrepreneurial activity. Despite the general understanding of the role of entrepreneurship in the development of economy, there are no activities promoting the entrepreneurship among youth in Ukraine. Future specialists do not get any knowledge or skills in the field of applying their profession in entrepreneurial activity. These difficulties can be solved by means of instilling the entrepreneurial spirit in Ukrainians, starting from kindergartens (with the help of games), schools (by means of arts and crafts), vocational schools, and higher educational institutions (by means of studying methods of organisation and doing business).


intention, entrepreneurial intention, action, activities, entrepreneurship, classification of intentions, cognitive state, motivational state, cognition.



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