Kyrylchuk I. V. Peculiarities of Forming School Students’ Subjectivity in Adolescence.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 184-188. Odessa.

Inna Kyrylchuk,
аssistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the basic scientific approaches to the study of the issue of the formation of students’ subjectivity in the educational process. Most researchers understand subjectivity as the highest form of regulation of behaviour, active manifestation of abilities in making significant changes in oneself and the surrounding reality. The carried out empirical research involved 56 5-6 th graders. The study of emotional and volitional attitude towards the educational process involved 8 categories: attitude towards studying, school, classmates, student's role, choice of tasks, attitude towards lessons, teachers and oneself. The results obtained by means of the method “Incomplete sentences” have shown that the respondents with the high level of academic performance have positive thoughts about the educational process, tasks and teachers. Communication with teachers is considered to be very important for them. The students with the high level of intelligence are self-confident; they are sure that they can achieve goals without any help. These adolescents have highly developed reflection skills. The respondents with the low level of academic performance are characterised by the positive attitude towards classmates and their role of school students. They can be also described by the personal focus, which makes the motives of personal success predominant. Due to this such school students are interested in their own needs and feelings more than in other people's problems. They consider the educational process as an opportunity to satisfy their ambitions. Focus on the collaboration has been found in the sample of 6th -graders. Their deeds and actions are determined by their need for communication, the desire to have good relations with classmates. They are interested not in the final result of their studying, but in the process of joint activities. The comparative analysis of the adaptation capacity of the respondents has shown that the most significant differences are manifested among 6 th -graders with the high academic performance level.


abilities, subjectivity, educational process, values, adolescence.



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