Ivanova Y. V. Passionarity and Existence: Interrelation of Empirical Parameters.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 178-184. Odessa.

Yanna Ivanova,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the carried out empirical research aimed at identifying the interrelation of passionarity components and meaningfulness of life. In the historical context, passionarity is considered as a process that sets vectors of the development of the society and an individual. Passionarity manifestation can be understood as a constructive confrontation of a personality with existential anxiety. It is also considered as individual susceptibility to the transformation of the reality (changing environment) aimed at implementing sustainable functional goals in the space of personal existence affirmation. Passionarity is connected with the existential needs of an individual. The correlation analysis has been carried out in order to identify the interrelation of passionarity components and meaningfulness of life. It has shown that some indicators of passionarity and meaningfulness of life are interrelated, which indicates a certain proximity and interdependence of these properties. The review of the essence of the revealed interrelations means that passionarity activates the protective adaptive mechanism in the experience of existential anxiety and frustration and helps an individual to find integrity. The actualisation of the search behaviour contributes to finding new solutions to avoid behavioural stereotypes. The search behaviour supports the desire for expression of personality, authenticity. The discovered positive relations of the indices of passionarity and meaningfulness of life, which reflect different aspects of existence, indicate the interdependence of these phenomena. It has been found that the emotional component of passionarity creates some difficulties in getting existential fullness. Passionarity is associated with self-distancing, self-transcendence, freedom, meaningfulness of life. The high energy potential of passionarity, readiness to overcome barriers on the way of achieving a goal, focus on the future, search and implementation of the existentially meaningful tasks, allow an individual to live a meaningful life.


passionarity, existence, meaningful life, sustainability of goals, transformation of reality.



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