Dubravska N. M., Sydorenko N. I. Actualisation of Personal Determinants of Future Entrepreneurs’ Professional Professional Training.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 172-177. Odessa.

Nataliia Dubravska,
PhD (Сandidate Of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Nataliya Sydorenko,
PhD (Сandidate Of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the actualisation of determinants of future entrepreneurs’ successful professional training in higher education. The theoretical model of the development of personality determinants of future entrepreneurs’ successful professional training has been created on the basis of individual professional subjectivity actualisation. The practical system of work on actualising the individual professional subjectivity of future entrepreneurs is based on the purposeful development of its semantic features, which include work with different areas of self-reflection, group sharing experience, independent work and is focused on the principles of compound learning and training, the complex use of active group teaching methods and generally accepted standards of training work, the emphasis on self-analysis and self-diagnosis, the verbalised reflection and emotional colouring of feedback tools, the focus on psychological support for self-development. The implementation of this programme makes it possible to solve the problem of the development of personal determinants that identify the success of future entrepreneurs’ training, which is seen in the increase of quantitative indices of the development of individual and professional subjectivity as well as in students’ realisation of the peculiarities of a future profession, the influence of personality traits on the success of professional activities; skills of considering professional situations, self-perception in a significantly professional role of a successful entrepreneur. The results of the study can be used in the educational process of preparing future entrepreneurs for their professional activities.


personal determinants, training, personal and professional subjectivity, a future entrepreneur, active development.



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