Datsenko T. О. Mastering Techniques of Psycho-pedagogical Support of a Child as a Condition of Teacher’s Professional Development.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 162-165. Odessa.

Tetiana Datsenko,
Deputy Head of PR Department,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, Kyiv, Ukraine



The issues related to the psycho-pedagogical support of children is extremely important and particularly urgent in times of social instability and educational system restructuring. The purpose of the article is to analyse the psychopedagogical support as a social and psychological phenomenon; to define the leading technologies of psychopedagogical support and requirements for their implementation; to show the importance of mastering these techniques as a factor of modern teachers’ professionalism development. Psycho-pedagogical support provides favourable conditions for coherent, comprehensive and harmonious individual and personal development of a child, based on partnership and trust. The essence of psycho-pedagogical support involves the creation of the following conditions: 1) the objective conditions for a child’s development, based on his/her age peculiarities, interests and needs; 2) the atmosphere of emotional and psychological safety and psychological comfort. Psycho-pedagogical support is performed by means of using techniques that distinguish the degree of a teacher’s participation in the life of a child. These techniques include care, protection, mentoring, partnership, advice, emotional support, etc. A teacher can choose a certain technique or combine several ones, depending on a situation. Mastering the technology and techniques of psycho-pedagogical support is a sign and condition of professional development and professionalism of a teacher. These technologies require deep psychological knowledge of the peculiarities of child socialisation and its features in each age period. Permanent self-education, professional development and reflection, finding new ways to solve “old” problems are indispensable characteristics of a successful teacher and the conditions of his/her professional development.


psychological and pedagogical support, techniques of psychological and pedagogical support, preschool children, teachers’s professional development.



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