Mozharovska T. V. Structural and Dynamic Developmental Pattern of Environmental Integrity.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 124-130. Odessa.

Tetiana Mozharovska,
teaching assistant, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr state university named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The current ecological situation brings up much tension around the issue of human life and the organisation of the environment. The main structural environmental integrity components such as cognitive, emotive, consumer-conative, axiological and conative have been defined, basing on the theoretical analysis of the environmental integrity phenomenology, general laws of the development, psychological peculiarities of individual development of adolescent’s personality. The cognitive environmental integrity component is expressed by the following mental processes, namely thinking, imagination, perception, memory, which have an ecological composite. Emotive environmental integrity component is represented by a set of emotions expressed by people in the direct interaction with the ambiance. In this case, emotions perform regulative and axiological functions. Conative environmental integrity component is presented by the development of motivational orientation of the individual with the direct involvement into practical interaction with the ambiance. A similar development of the conative sphere, due to the necessity of needs reduction singles out the consumer-conative environmental integrity component. Axiological component is identified as the orientation of the individual to the specific purpose, which is perceived as significance in the ratio of generally accepted social behavioural patterns, life experience and individual features. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the world view (internal and external), perception and reflection of the personality’s developmental conditions, personal attitude to the environment, actualisation of personal needs and interests, setting the objectives and the aim of the interaction with the environment, system of values and personal meanings, strategies and tactics of personal interaction with the environment. The development of environmental integrity components is a dynamic process and has an inextricable connection with the development of a personality. Taking everything into account, each of the studied environmental integrity components are determined by personal orientation, actualisation of relevant mental processes by age and sexual peculiarities.


environmental psychology, environmental integrity, environment, ambiance, environmental integrity components.



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