Kuznietsova O. V. Self-change as a Resource of Personality’s Innovativeness.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 117-123. Odessa.

Oksana Kuznietsova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In the modern world, a man’s innovativeness becomes a leading factor in the development of technologies in various spheres of life, which creates conditions for its mass implementation. Obviously, under such conditions, a person with the developed innovativeness as an important component of human psychological and social experience has the competitive advantages, which increases the attention of scientists to its psychological factors and resources. Innovation is considered as an independent psychological property of a person, which manifests itself in the processes of human interaction with the world in the aspects of its constant changes and development; as the ability of an individual to take the novelty, complexity and variability of the world; persistent tendency to renew (to positive changes and development) that contributes to constructive self-realisation. The article is aimed at investigating the specificity of innovativeness in individuals with different levels of propensity to self-change; as well as allocating the differences in the manifestations of innovativeness in individuals prone and not prone to self-change. It has been empirically proven that individuals with the expressed tendency to self-change have the high level of innovative potential, greater capabilities of its manifestation. They are focused on innovative reforms in the most important areas of the society. The research results have shown a developed ability of these individuals to discover new information and new ways of solving problems, to implement and develop their innovative experience. The unexpressed tendency to self-change creates a barrier for the development of innovativeness. These individuals are characterised by significant difficulties in identifying, searching for new information, which indicates a lack of actualisation of the cognitive need for searching for novelty. Thus, individuals with the high levels of self-change activity are psychologically prepared for seeking novelty in the external world to a greater extent, especially in the socio-cultural contexts. The maturity of a person’s self-identity becomes the basis for the development of innovativeness as the ability to accept novelty, variability and complexity of the world.


innovation, innovative capacity, innovative interaction, the inner world of an individual, self-change, personal growth.



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