Kyrychenko O. М. Research of Students-Psychologists’ Self-Esteem.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 113-116. Odessa.

Olha Kyrychenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
Dvoryanskaya Str., 2,Odesa, Ukraine



The formation of personality’s self-esteem is one of topical issues of psychological and pedagogical research as long as self-confidence of every single person is of great importance for the whole country’s success. It is personality’s self-esteem which determines successful learning activity, professional orientation, choosing one’s way of living and realization of oneself in a society. There are various approaches to understanding the essence of self-esteem, which indicates complicated and many-sided nature of this psychological phenomenon and the need for its detailed studying. It should be mentioned that self-esteem as a personal formation plays a key role in the general context of forming personal consciousness – one’s capabilities, opportunities, orientations, performance, public importance. Youth is the critical age for the development of self-awareness and self-esteem; during this period, the process of self-cognition is the most intensive. That is why, from methodological point of view, it is necessary to investigate this very stage of human life. The carried out experiment involved 67 students of 2-4 years of studying at the sub-faculty of psychology. The study was aimed at determining personality characteristics affecting the adequacy of students’ self-esteem. The study has made it possible to discover some personal features associated with low self-esteem (suspiciousness, doubtful attitude to new people and things, reserved character, unsociable demeanour, low spirits in interpersonal conflicts, shyness, indecisiveness, agreeableness, mild manner, compliance, etc.) as well as inflated self-esteem (pride, self-control, arrogance, stubbornness, risk proneness, impulsivity, self-dependence, independence, lack of need for others’ support, etc.). Review of the results obtained facilitated determining the features that may be directly related to adequate self-esteem. Thus, adequate or positive self-esteem of students will facilitate the success of their learning activity.


self-esteem, students, period of studies at higher educational institution.



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