Kyrychenko V. V. Life in the Era of Changes.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 107-112. Odessa.

Viktor Kyrychenko,
PhD (Сandidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lecturer, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the relevant issue of the historical development of the modern Ukrainian society, which can be described as the progressive integration into the European cultural environment. Some people are not ready for the global changes of the worldview concepts, which causes the violation of their spatiotemporal integrity. The uncertainty can cause a lot of disturbances in the psychological development of a person. The most frustrating things are the situations in which there are more questions than the concrete answers, and these are such situations that cause the state of uncertainty. The adaptive mechanisms of the psyche help to unify the perception of the surrounding world. In the process of socialisation, basic social ideas concerning the main forms of personal interaction with the social environment are formed in a person’s mind. They are considered as a categorical basis of subject and spiritual world reconstruction. In the state of maximum mobilisation, which is a result of the common uncertainty, human inner resources are easily wasted, because a person has to respond to all stimuli of the environment, and unfortunately, he/she is disoriented and does not understand which ones are really important and which are not. In such a state, the most things are perceived in a negative context, which causes the emotional burnout. People are ready to believe in anything in order to save the integrity of their psyche. It is this readiness that leads to the increase of the authority of political and religious manipulators. Thus, the state of uncertainty forms the basis for the psychological manipulation of people’s minds and relations between them.


psychological manipulation, psychology of time, future, psychological readiness identity.



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