Kabysh-Rybalka А. V. Life Strategies as a Creative Way of Life Path Planning by a Personality.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 95-99. Odessa.

Anna Kabysh-Rybalka,
post-graduate student,
Department of General Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2A, Prospekt Hlushkov, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with a classification of life strategies as a way of creative planning of a personality’s life path. There are five main strategies according to the theory of V. Molyako about the creative constructology: strategies of analogy, combinative strategies, reconstructive strategies, strategies of universal way of creating, and spontaneous strategies of the life path planning. This theory of creative constructing is appropriate in terms of studying life creativity, as it is based on the experience of both: competent people and one’s own experience and ability to use consciously the resources of one’s personality, which can play a significant role in the personal choice of life path strategy. Each of the strategies is focused on the structural and functional transformation – construction of structures with specific functions, and is the essence of creative planning, which is considered as the basis of strategic planning of life. Adolescence (student age) is potentially one of the most favourable periods for the successful acquisition of life path strategy. During this phase it is very important to implement special pedagogical interaction in order to achieve an appropriate level of students’ creativity on the way of planning their life path using life strategies. One of the ways of achieving the desired efficiency of life creativity experience is life path reflection. Psychology of life creativity is defined by the formation of life planning strategies as a tool of conscious creation of way and style of life by a personality. In other words, life planning is the desired result and the steps to achieve it.


personality, way of life, life strategy, creativity, life path planning, choice of life strategy.



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