Danilchenko Т. V. Features of Social Behaviour of People with Different Types of Subjective Social Well-Being.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 83-89. Odessa.

Tatyana Danilchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Age and Social Psychology,
Chernihiv National T. G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University,
53, Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



Subjective social well-being (SSWB) reflects estimation by an individual of his/her social functioning as optimum. More often it is considered as an aspect of the general subjective well-being. As a rule, features of social behaviour are considered as a criterion of adaptation (normalisation), but out of research field the perception of the social functioning remains in context with social behaviour of an individual. Therefore, the article is aimed at studying the skills of social behaviour among people with different types of subjective social well-being. The experiment involved 401 persons (the mean age is 34 years). During research such skills as planning of social interaction, making contacts, reactions to other people, self-expression, alternative of aggression have been considered. Predictably, all social skills are the highest in the group of the respondents of the meliorative type (high level of SSWB). The level of the inoptive type is lower (low level of SSWB, low social activity). The surveyed of the vigilative type (level of SSWB is above the average; dependent social behaviour) had highly developed skill of expressing reactions to thoughts and feelings of other people (aspect of empathy). The solutive type (level of SSWB is below the average, independent social behaviour) experiences difficulties in making contacts, and also expressing emotional support. The structure of social skills is different in people with different type of SSWB. The people of the meliorative type prefer to plan their actions in dealing with other people and control their social interaction. Their main strategy is imperious compulsion. The surveyed of the vigilative type make emphasis on emotional care of other people. Their main strategy is the request. The representatives of the solutive type are committed to counteraction with surrounding people, expecting conflict situations. Their main strategy is persuasion. The respondents of the inoptive type plan their actions, disregarding other people’s interests. Their main strategy is emotional compulsion (rough expression of negative emotions). The obtained data helps to carry out correctional work with people with different levels of subjective social well-being experience more effectively.


subjective social well-being, meliorative type, vigilative type, solutive type, inoptive type, social skills, social interaction.



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