Vodolazska O. O. Self-regulation in Professional Becoming of a Future Specialist.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 72-77. Odessa.

Olha Vodolazska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical research of self-regulation as a factor of professional formation of a future psychologist. At the modern stage of the socio-economic development of the society, the issue of future psychologist’s professional training is very important as it means his/her development and formation as an active subject of activity and requires the proper level of competence, great personal responsibility for the results of work. The formation of a future psychologist involves not only mastering of the educational programmes but also personal development. According to O. Konopkin, self-regulation is the system-organised process of internal psychical activity of a man who initiates the creation, support and management of different kinds and forms of voluntary activity which implements the achievement of the goals set by him/her. The carried out experiment aimed at revealing the correlations between the indices of self-actualisation and achievement motivation involved 92 women aged from 24 to 58 years. They were divided into two groups: those who majored in technical sciences and those who majored in humanities. The carried out empirical research by means of psychodiagnostic tools has revealed significant correlations, which made it possible to describe the profiles and compose psychological portraits of individuals with different professional orientation with different levels of self-regulation. Psychological portraits of both groups of the respondents, which have been composed according to the visual profiles, have revealed the high achievement motivation in the surveyed with different levels of self-criticism, as well as the desire to have trustful relations with the social environment. The carried out correlation analysis has revealed significant positive correlations between the indices of achievement motivation, some personal qualities and the indices of self-regulation components: selfactualisation and sense-value attitudes, which has proved the hypothesis that self-regulation is a dominant factor of professional development of a future psychologist.


self-regulation, professional becoming, personality, self-actualisation, motivation, orientation of the meaning of life.



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