Serhii Cherniak. Emergence and Development of Education in the World Civilization

(2016) Science and education, 4, 39-47. Odessa.

Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Legislative Proposals and Problems of Culture Financing,
Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies,
21, I. Mazepy Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the emergence and development of education in the world civilization. The author focuses on the fact that the need for education of children and young people originates from the primitive society. At the stage of the early matriarchy education was associated with the performance of everyday duties and was not allocated as particular social activities. The evolution of material relations between primitive people is considered to be an essential factor of the formation of education as a special kind of activities. At the stage of patriarchy education was considered as a form of social activities. Some literary compositions of Ancient East have been reviewed in the paper. It was concluded that family education was not enough to transfer the necessary system of knowledge and social experience. Besides, the systems of education at first schools of East (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Iran, India, China) have been described. Special attention is paid to the development of education in the ancient world. The most popular educational systems of Ancient Greece were Athenian and Spartan ones. The Athenian educational system is regarded as an ancestor of high spiritual culture, the formation of a harmonious person, whose main qualities were spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. The Spartan educational system was based on the physical training, hardening, formation of the strength of mind, craft, and discipline. Besides, the educational system and the pedagogical heritage of the Rome Empire have been reviewed in the article. It has been concluded that the Roman educational system was a great example of social education aimed at preparing public characters. In addition, some educational ideas of Ancient Rus have been revealed and described.  


education, education systems, world civilization.




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