Sergey Guzun. Multimedia Technologies of Teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to Medical College Students

(2016) Science and education, 4, 11-15. Odessa.

Sergey Guzun,
Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines,
high level certificate teacher of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science,
Odesa Regional Primary Medical College,
4, Pushkinska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Modern changes in the educational system of the country and the world require serious reforms in the teaching process, especially it concerns the medical sphere. In particular, the article deals with the issue of improving the methods of teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to medical college students by implementing informational and computer teaching technologies into this process. The modernization of the vocational training of nurses and medical assistants is aimed at providing the high level of competence and competitiveness of professionals, who are ready for the efficient activities in the sphere of health protection and professional self-development. The aim of the article is to study the efficiency of using multimedia technologies in the process of teaching the above mentioned subject to medical college students. The experiment involving 119 students, who were divided into two groups, has been carried out. The first group was taught according to the traditional lesson plan, and the second group was taught with the help of multimedia technologies. The research results have shown that according to all criteria (such as understanding of the material, creativity, concentration, etc.) the first group of students has shown better results compared to the second one, who was taught according to the traditional programme. It has been found that the multimedia form of teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to medical college students contributes to the activation of their cognitive activities by visualization of a number of clinical settings, allowing to deepen the theoretical knowledge in this field. Besides, this technique promotes the formation of medical judgments in students by means of the analysis of clinical and laboratory examination data, as well as stimulates their intellectual potential and motivation to study. 


multimedia technologies, professional competences, cognitive interest, activation of thinking, pedagogical technology.




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