Vitaliy Khimakov. Functional Profile of the Neuromuscular Apparatus of Qualified Track and Field Athletes

(2016) Science and education, 4, 193-198. Odessa.

Vitaliy Khimakov,
lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper is devoted to studying elastic and viscous properties of skeletal muscles of qualified throwers during pre-contest period. Modern sports training of track and field athletes is characterized by significant increase in the volume of high-intensity loads due to increased sports competing in various competitions. When planning training loads, a trainer, as a rule, relies on his/her own experience and intuition, and also empirical data obtained as a result of the analysis of training top-qualification athletes. Absence of the data containing dynamics of biometric indicators reflecting functional and morpho-functional properties of an athlete’s body systems considerably complicates the process of planning training loads. A great number of researches confirm the fact that biomechanical properties of skeleton muscles reflect their functional state, which is changed under the impact of physical exercise. Thus, it is obvious that conducting special research aimed at discovering common factors of the impact of physical exercises on the functional state of skeleton muscles remains pertinent for track and field throwing. The study was carried out throughout full-year cycle of training, top-qualified track and field athletes participated in it. The measurements were taken separately for left and right biceps, triceps, quadriceps of the arm and calf muscles. Three core indicators were taken into account: vibration frequency (characterizes muscle tension), decrement (characterizes muscle elasticity, i.e. the ability to restore its initial form after muscle contraction), stiffness (characterizes the ability of a muscle to resist form changes under the impact of external forces – muscle force potential). The results obtained provide trainers (educators) with the opportunity to assess the amount and orientation of the impact of physical exercise on limiting functional systems of track and field throwers, which will facilitate individualization and improvement of the processes of modelling micro-, meso-, and macrocycles. It will form the basis for targeted improvement of physical fitness and its implementation in major competitions.   


training process, neuromuscular apparatus, functional state, top-qualification athletes.




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