Viktoriia Podhorna. Use of Physical Education Means in Educational and Correctional Process of Schoolchil-dren with Speech Disorders

(2016) Science and education, 4, 183-188. Odessa.

Viktoriia Podhorna,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The relevance of the research is determined by conceptual principles of reforming primary education, which are the basis for high standards for primary school children’s speech development. Special attention should be paid to the children with various speech disorders. The paper shows that primary school children with different speech disorders have specific motor problems caused by disturbance localization in various brain structures. Activation of external influences and the environment by means of physical training makes it possible to initiate the work of passive brain structures. The paper is aimed at justifying the use of physical culture means at comprehensive schools for intensification of educational and correctional process of children with speech disorders. Academic literature review has shown that the mechanisms of speech activity correlate with a number of regions of the brain; their damage that may be associated with disturbances in the motor development and cause various in their structure speech defects. The study provides background for the use of motor methods of logopedic treatment. It is proposed to use hands self-massage; differentiated breathing exercises as well as exercises for the spine correction at Physical Culture lessons, which contributes to cerebral hemispheres activation. The possibility of rehabilitating gnostic and practical, phonetic and phonemic speech functions of primary school pupils with speech disorders, as well as the opportunity to solve the problems of abnormally rigid physical orientations using soundand-motor exercises and games has been demonstrated. Intensification of work with children with speech disorders by means of including correctional tasks into physical education process makes it possible to reduce significantly the time for achieving correctional and logopedic goals.   


physical culture, motor and speech development, speech disorder, primary school pupils, comprehensive school.




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