Нennadii Petrenko. Implementation of Elements of New Sports Games in Physical Education as an Effective Way of Sports Popularization and Physical Development of 5-6-Year-Old Children

(2016) Science and education, 4, 176-182. Odessa.

Нennadii Petrenko,
lecturer, Department of Sports Games,
National University of Physical Education and Sports,
1, Fizkultury Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The problem of preschoolers’ health, physical development and physical fitness remains relevant as long as factors that cause these problems remain unchanged – lack of physical activity and poor emotional intensity of preschoolers’ activities. The purpose of this article is to analyze and to explain the implementation of the elements of new sports games in physical education of 5-6-year-old children. Game exercises for children had three levels of complexity: adaptive and developmental, preparatory and technical, and active game level. At the adaptive and developmental level game exercises and outdoor games that involve physical actions from fundamental movements which are the basis of game techniques with elements of sports were categorized. They are targeted at children’s familiarization with games and exercises with sports equipment, at causing their interest in them as well as at getting used to this equipment (balls, rackets, etc.). At the preparatory and technical level, games with elements of sport were divided into blocks of mastering motor actions related to game techniques of certain sports games. Active game level involved reinforcing and improving motor skills, including fundamental and available game techniques of sports games. For example, beach tennis elements were implemented using the method of circuit training when practicing the technique at the first stage of the classes. The second stage involved playing over the net and mastering the technique. The third part involved playing the game according to simplified rules. According to the results of the study of senior preschoolers’ physical fitness (physical capacity), improvement of the following indicators in the experimental groups was observed: 10 metres’ run (fast moving ability), standing long jump (fast moving and strength), tennis ball throw for distance (fast moving and strength), tennis ball throw into the target (dexterity). Thus, the above mentioned results confirm positive impact of implementing sports-oriented technologies into physical education on children’s physical fitness.   


5-6-year-old children, preschool education, new sports games, sports equipment made of polypropylene.




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