Yevgeniy Osipenko. Assessment of Efficiency of the Author’s Programme of Fitness and Health Recreation Classes with Primary School Pupils Attending Day-Care Centers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 162-169. Odessa.

Yevgeniy Osipenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper contains results of the researches dedicated to solving the problem of programme and methodical support of physical education of primary school pupils attending day-care centers. It covers theoretical justification and results of experimental approbation of the author’s programme, which has proven its efficiency in the course of longterm pedagogical experiment. The programme for fitness and health recreation classes during sports hour for primary school pupils attending day-care centres consists of theoretical and practical parts. The latter involves knowledge, abilities, skills, work methods, development of motor abilities and is being implemented throughout 172 hours of the academic school year. The results obtained have proven high effectiveness of its implementation. For instance, the pupils from the experimental group, compared with the control one, have achieved much better results in all the exercises of pedagogical proving test. Positive changes were demonstrated by 8-year-old children belonging to the experimental group in terms of six-minute run, shuttle run, standing long jump, bent suspension, raising the trunk form back-lying position and toe touch bending. Additionally, the formative pedagogical experiment has demonstrated the increase in the level of physical fitness of 9-year-old children belonging to the experimental group in terms of six-minute run, standing long jump, raising the trunk form back-lying position and shuttle run. During pedagogical experimentation, increase in the indicators of physical fitness of children aged 8 and 9 years old belonging to the control group amounted to 13.9% and 6.4%, while the members of the experimental groups demonstrated the increase of 60.2% і 24.7% respectively (p <0.05). Thus, the author’s programme for fitness and health recreation classes during sports hour for primary school pupils attending day-care centres is an effective means for increasing physical working capacity and the level of development of such physical qualities as aerobic endurance, strength and strength endurance, speed and power manifestations, and improving their health. Its effectiveness has been experimentally confirmed, thus, it can be recommended for purposeful use in the educational process of children aged 8 and 9 years old.   


physical development, level of physical fitness, physical working capacity, day-care center, primary school pupils, the program of fitness and health recreation classes, physical state.




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