Yevgeniy Osipenko. Assessment of Physical Development of Primary School Students of the City of Gomel

(2016) Science and education, 4, 155-162. Odessa.

Yevgeniy Osipenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The article is dedicated to the study of physical development of primary school students of the city of Gomel. It has been determined that the growth process of a child’s body is uneven and wavelike. The surveyed students demonstrated general biological regularities of the increasing of basic anthropometric measurements. An earlier growth spurt in girls aged 7-8 years has been observed. We have also established that body mass in boys aged 7-8 years varies in the range from 24.3 to 25.8 kg, the absolute value of the increase for the year amounted to 1.5 kg; in girls aged 7-8 years – from 24.6 to 27.5 kg, the absolute value was 2.9 kg. This reflects a greater body weight in girls and its greater increase during the year than in boys. The data obtained slightly differs from the data available in research literature. As for body length, in boys aged 7-8 years it varies in the range from 123.6 to 128.0 cm, the absolute value of the growth rate for the period was 4.4 cm, and in girls – from 122.4 to 128.5 cm with the absolute value of 6.0 cm. The data obtained by us shows greater length of body among girls and its greater increase during the year than among boys; however, it differs slightly from the data available in research literature. The indicators of children’s harmonious physique showed that 52% of children have it, 30% of them have non-harmonious physique, of which 15% are underweight and 15% have excessive weight; and 18% have an abruptly disharmonious physique and need correction of the studied parameters by means of sports and recreation activities. The study helps identify the need for correction among children aged 7-8 years. We consider correction as the set of activities providing recreational, general strengthening and developmental impact by means of specially selected systems of physical exercises affecting the formation of the musculoskeletal system, the elimination of functional disability and the increasing of the level of primary school students’ physical preparedness.   


students, boys, girls, physical development, institutions of general secondary education, indicators.




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