Larysa Lutsenko, Inna Bodrenkova, Tetiana Moshenska. Functional Training with the First Mature Age Women Engaged in Aerobics

(2016) Science and education, 4, 139-144. Odessa.

Larysa Lutsenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport), associate professor,
Inna Bodrenkova,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport),associate professor,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushkinskaya Str, Kharkov, Ukraine.
Tetiana Moshenska,
senior lecturer, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
99, Klochkovskaya Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the paper is determined by the fact that nowadays the issues concerning the choice of appropriate means and methods, duration of structural components, rational parameters of physical exercise and pulse modes according to physical condition of those who do aerobics are understudied. A methodology of functional training based on the method of circuit training, which is well-known in physical education and sports, have been developed. Circuit training during aerobic exercise is characterized by using the method of long-term continuous exercises with a relatively constant intensity without strictly established rest pauses when changing the type of activity. As long as the pauses are short, the load can be considered continuous. In the development of circuit training scheme and for a reasonable level of intensity of physical activity, the following parameters were taken into account: physiological reactions of the body and their consequences arising in the course of the training; physiological characteristics of aerobic exercise and pulse modes of training the cardiovascular system; gradation of exercises depending on the amount of muscle groups involved in the work. To achieve the goal of pedagogical experiment it was proposed to combine strength and aerobic exercises in the first half of the main part of aerobic exercise, that is, to use circuit training aimed at integrated development of general and strength endurance. In the second half of the main (strength) part of the training the exercises are performed only on the floor and more time is allocated for final stretching. The carried out research has shown that functional training is a universal type of physical perfection for women of the first mature age engaged in aerobics. A properly composed training, where functional status of exercisers is taken into account, facilitates achieving desired results quickly and without risk.   


aerobics, functional training, women of the first mature age.




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