Yurii Lutovinov. Dependence of Physical Development on Physical Fitness of Young Weightlifters in the Preparatory Training Period of the Annual Macrocycle

(2016) Science and education, 4, 131-135. Odessa.

Yurii Lutovinov,
head of physical education,
Luhansk College of Engineering Technologies,
109, Frunze Str., Luhansk, Ukraine



Intensive trainings with a barbell contribute to the manifestation of maximum effort due to the strengthening of health and active muscle mass. Training of 14-15-year-old weightlifters is of great importance nowadays, because the most talented sportsmen go in for sports of records. The review of the scientific and methodical literature shows that experts have been studying the performance of physical development and physical fitness of young weightlifters, but there are still not enough details of the comparison of their results. The article is aimed at studying the level of physical development and physical fitness of 14-15-year-old weightlifters of different weight categories. 36 athletes who took part in the experiment were divided into several groups depending on their weight categories: І – up to 38-44 kg, ІІ – 45-55 kg, ІІІ – 56-65 kg. As a result it has been found that the difference between strength of the left and right hands of all groups of weight categories was 6,4% (p<0,05); the indicators of backbone dynamometry enlarge with the increasing of weight category – by 42,4% (p<0,05) and 11,2% (p<0,05). Besides, the dependence of physical development in physical fitness of junior weightlifters of different weight categories has been determined. There has been analyzed the performance of physical development and physical fitness of young weightlifters of different weight categories and it has been concluded that the largest relation between these indicators is r – 0,71 and r – 0,73. The direct correlation relationship between the indicators of general and special physical training has been established. The high correlation relationship has been observed in 15-year-old weightlifters between the indicators of standing long jumps and chest circumference – 0, 71; between the indicators of standing long jumps and straight leg bounces – 0, 73. The further researches involve other issues of training young weightlifters of different age categories.    


young weightlifters, physical development, physical fitness, indicators.




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