Suzannа Ihnatenk. Forming Students’ Motivation to Self-Guided Physical Training

(2016) Science and education, 4, 125-130. Odessa.

Suzannа Ihnatenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Remedial Gymnastics and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the process of forming motivation in students to self-guided physical training, which is a powerful incentive of bringing young people to a healthy lifestyle which forms the health culture. To generate physical training motivation and keep a healthy lifestyle there is a direction in the system of higher education aimed at enhancing motivational interests of students. Motivation is considered as a system of motives, which determines the specific forms of activity or behavior. It is a key component of the successful activities, including physical training. Self-guided physical training allows supplying the lack of students’ motor activities, and restoring a level of physical and mental capacity. The selfguided recreational activities by means of artistic gymnastics are extremely important in the process of improving the physical health of students. It is one of the basic forms of training, because it forms independence as the personality trait and prepares an individual for constant self-improvement. Proper organization of self-guided physical training improves students’ motor activity, has a positive effect on their health and physical development and fitness, and as a result, instills the need for systematic physical training. In various forms of the educational process self-guided training is manifested in different ways: from a simple reproduction of the assignment to independent creative work. The technique of forming sports motivation in students through the example of artistic gymnastics has been presented in the article. It is considered as a system of power exercises aimed at developing strength, forming a good shape and promoting health. It helps to recover from many physical disorders: stoop, hollow breast, bad posture, underdeveloped muscles, etc. Artistic gymnastics is suitable for many people and it should be regarded as a developing direction of physical education as a self-guided physical work for students of higher educational institutions.   


university students, motivation, self-guided training, artistic gymnastics.




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